Indoor School Uniform

Red sweatshirt / jumper / cardigan

Grey skirt / pinafore / trousers

Red / white polo shirt

Red check summer dress

Black school shoes (flat, no heels)

PE kit - children come to school in their pe kit on pe days

Black shorts

White T-shirt


Trainers (with Velcro fastening)

Black tracksuit bottoms

Black tracksuit top or hoody (logo free)

The standard of children’s dress at St Mary’s CE (VA) First School is exceptionally high with all children wearing school uniform, some of which can be purchased from our School Uniform supplier, directly from the their website - - go to the ‘my school’ tab and click on St Mary’s CofE (A) First School and add items to your basket.

Children wear grey trousers, skirts or shorts, a white or red polo shirt and a red school sweatshirt / cardigan. The logo version is optional and plain jumpers and cardigans may be purchased from local supermarkets. These should be worn with sensible black shoes. Platforms and high heels are discouraged and are unsuitable for children running around in the playground.

All children participate in PE lessons each week and need suitable clothing. Children come to school dressed in their PE kit on the days they have PE. PE is often outdoors, so we ask children to make sure they have warmer clothing for when the weather is cooler. Tracksuits and trainers are suitable for outdoor PE.

All clothes worn to school need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name as sometimes jumpers, cardigans and coats can become mixed up with their friends and it is often difficult to match clothes to their owners unless they are clearly labelled. In the interest of safety, earrings should be restricted to a single stud in the lower lobe and these should be removed on the days when your child participates in PE. If this is difficult, then please provide plasters to be placed over the earrings during the PE lesson.

We ask parents to check their letter so they know which days their child has PE.

Outdoor Wear

Please provide your child with appropriate clothing for outdoors as we do try to get them outside during the day, whatever the weather. They need a warm winter coat, a hat, scarf, gloves and sturdy shoes during the Autumn and Spring terms. As the weather gets warmer during late Spring and Summer your child will need a lightweight waterproof coat as we will still go outside during spring showers. Please do not send your child to school in flimsy summer shoes or sandals. During winter, if your child comes to school in boots please send shoes to wear indoors. If footwear is inappropriate, we will give you a call so you can drop off more suitable footwear.

The Croft on the Heath

Children access outdoor learning on our field, which is called The Croft on the Heath. Children need to be suitably dressed when learning outdoors. Please can you make sure your child has their wellies and a pair of old tracksuit bottoms in a bag for their Croft Day. It will often be muddy and/or wet and the children won’t be able to access outdoor learning, if they haven’t got their wellies/waterproof. The weekly newsletter shows the dates when classes are on The Croft.


Necklaces and Rings

These can be a Health and Safety concern.  If a child is wearing any jewellery they will be asked to remove it and it will be stored in the office for safe keeping.


As children learn to tell the time they may want to wear a special watch suitable for learning to tell the time. On days when your child has PE or swimming, watches should not be worn.


In the interest of safety, earrings should be restricted to a single stud in the lower lobe and these should be removed on the days when your child participates in PE.  If this is difficult, then please provide plasters to be placed over the earrings during the PE lesson.

Personal appearance and hygiene

Please ensure that your child comes to school feeling happy and comfortable for the type of weather predicted for that day. Please remind them about the importance of regular washing, especially in the warmer weather!

It is advisable for children with longer hair to keep it tied back.

school uniform policy 2024-26

We asked parents about what they liked about our school.

"Loves coming to school, really enjoys parents coming in for workshops, good varied curriculum, loved the nativity this year - nice to see a more traditional and fully inclusive celebration."

"My child has gained so much confidence at St Mary's"

"My children are so happy at St Mary's - loving outdoor learning on The Croft!"

"I wish you went up to Year 6, my child loves this school so much"

"Staff are hardworking and amazing - going above and beyond for our children"