The school council is made up of two children from each class, who are nominated and voted in by their classmates. They meet every half term (and sometimes a bit more!). Each member of the school council presents ideas and suggestions from their class and when they have decisions to be made it is always important that they seek the opinions of their class. They like to vote for things and this helps us make decisions for our school.
One of the decisions the school council makes is related to playtime and lunchtime activities. We want everyone to be happy at playtime and we need to make sure everyone has the things they want to play with.
Another important job is to support fundraising events. So far this year, we have raised money for Children in Need, Diabetes UK, National Autistic Society and the local Oncology Ward. We also sent our Harvest donations to Poland, to help the Ukrainian families. We are always looking for ways to make our school better and children's lives better. We also planned our Remembrance Day service in our November meeting and gathered the whole school on the playground as we said poems and prayers and laid poppies on the bushes. It was a quiet and moving ceremony. We also delivered a service on the Croft to remember D-Day.
You can always read the minutes of our meetings on the display board in the Hall - or ask your class reps about the meetings.