SEND at St Mary's

We firmly believe that all children have a right to an education that offers equal opportunity and an inclusive curriculum in a welcoming community which is sensitive to difference.  Each child is encouraged and supported to achieve spiritually, socially and academically, within the Christian church school ethos of love and respect for all. We believe that the story of the Good Samaritan underpins our teaching and learning for all, providing the children with our school vision that kindness, care, thoughtfulness, love and respect are paramount for becoming resilient and successful adults, regardless of any barriers to learning.  

Our intent for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are the same as for all of our pupils; to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum, full participation and the highest quality of education.  We understand the importance of making adjustments and personalisation of provision and building a picture based on the whole child.  

We have established a genuine culture of school, family, community and services working together. We actively encourage partnerships with parents. Our aim is to inform and involve parents as much as possible in school decision making and provide them with support, advice and access to services.

We believe in child centred learning and pupils are enabled to be active participants - expressing opinions, making choices and being involved in setting their targets. We are lucky to have a very dedicated staff team, all of whom view themselves as teachers of all pupils, including those with SEND. 

Both of our SENCos have a wealth of experience and expertise in SEND and also behaviour support.

Mrs Moult (SENCo/Head Teacher)                               

Mrs Malkin (SENCo)

They can be contacted directly through the school office - Tel: 01889 228730     Email:

SEND Policy 2024-26

SEND Information Report - January 2024

SEND COde of practice 0-25 years

public sector equality duty Policy 2024-25

Local Authority Local Offer- Information about Staffordshire's local offer regarding SEND can be found by clicking here: 

Staffordshire send local offer

Admissions procedures- Admission arrangements for children with special educational needs or disabilities will follow our admissions policy. Where a pupil has an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) the SENCo will always plan with the family and outside agencies prior to admission.

Admissions Policy 2023-24

Complaints procedures- We do understand that there can be increased anxieties for families around supporting pupils with additional needs. However, we also recognise how important it is that every decision being made is always in the best interest of the individual child. We aim to resolve any difficulties in a respectful, fair and transparent way. More detailed information can also be found in our complaints policy.

Complaints Policy 2024-26