Welcome to Bears

The Teacher is Mrs Gribbon.
The Teaching Assistants is Mrs Owen.   Miss Moult and Miss Low support children with additional needs.

The children are in Year 1 and will enjoy lots of opportunities to learn and play, both outside and inside. As we settle back into life at St Mary’s after the summer, we will support the children to become independent learners and develop their personal and social skills. We love to be kind and helpful, just like the Good Samaritan.


Children are expected to read regularly at home with an adult. Our class target is to read two books every week. Please ask your child questions about what they have read and encourage them to make predictions about what might happen. Please sign the Reading Diaries to show teachers that the children have read their books.


At St Mary's, we teach maths through Power Maths. Instant recall of number facts is an important part of being a good mathematician, so each term we focus on a KIRF target (Key Instant Recall Facts). The children need to practise these facts regularly so they can answer within a 6 second time frame, without using their fingers to calculate. Each week they will be given a timed activity on these number facts; the activities are sent home so that they can show you their results and complete extra practice if necessary.

Autumn 1 Target: Number bonds to 6

TT (Times Table)Rockstars

It is the government's expectation that by the end of Year 4 the children can recall all their times table facts to x12, and recall them within 6 seconds. By the end of Year One, the children need to be able to count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, and 10s. Many children will also start to be able to recall some multiplication and division facts for these times tables.

TT Rockstars (TimesTable Rockstars) is a fun way to practise timestables. Teachers can set the Garage mode so the children only have to practise the times tables they are working on in class. In the game, the children can collect points to "buy" accessories for their TT Rockstars character. Miss Egan will provide information this term on how to access TT Rockstars.


The children learn 5 spellings each week in their spelling booklet. When all 5 spellings are spelled correctly in the children's writing, they can move onto the next set to learn. For every set they complete, they can colour part of the picture at the back of the spelling booklet.

  • Playtime Toast: If your child would like toast at playtime please send £1 in an envelope on Monday, which will cover the cost of toast for one week.

PE is every Wednesday and Thursday.

St Marys Bears

Everyday there are lots of exciting learning opportunities for the children to share.