
Our children's health and well being are at the forefront of our concerns and so we completely understand that some absences cannot be helped.  

We have a statutory duty to ensure that all children have good attendance at school and by working in partnership with our parents,

we can strive to achieve the best for every child.



If a child is absent parents/carers must:

  • telephone the school as soon as possible, preferably before 9.00am please, stating the reason for absence.
  • Please come and talk to us if you are concerned about the amount of time off your child is having.

If a child is absent we will:

Telephone parents/carers if we have not heard from them on each day of absence.

Monitor absence and write to parents to inform them that their child's absence has fallen below the acceptable figure of 90%.

Discuss strategies for improvement with parent/carers, before referring the matter to the Educational Welfare Officer (VIPEducation) if appropriate.


Parents should be aware that the law now enforces the position regarding holidays in term time, which became law on the 1st September 2013,

stating that the Headteacher may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

In accordance with the above regulations, requests for leave of absence will be treated sympathetically, but only in exceptional circumstances

can they be approved.   These must be put into writing to the Head Teacher in all circumstances.



It is essential that children arrive on time for school as they will be missing vital learning time if they are late.

We start to work on reading with the children as soon as the doors open in the morning at 8.45am.

We monitor late marks in the same way that we monitor attendance.


If a child is late parents/carers must:

  • telephone the school as soon as possible. There is also an answerphone where you can leave a message should you wish to ring before 8.00am,
  • stating the reason for being late. 
  • On arrival at school, parents must register their child, and ensure they have chosen a dinner option for the day. A reason for lateness must be given
  • and the school office will ask parents/carers to clarify if it is not clear.

If a child is continuously late we will:

Monitor lates and write to parents to inform them of our initial concerns.

Discuss strategies for improvement, with parent/carers, before referring the matter to Educational Welfare Officer.

We thank parents and carers for their support.

Attendance Policy