At St Mary’s First School we believe that our Relationships and Health Education provides children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they require to lead healthy, confident and successful lives to become informed, responsible and active citizens in our future society. We encourage learners to grow, develop and understand their self-worth through a structured Relationships and Health curriculum which aims to prepare them for life in an ever-changing world.

“Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly including online. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.”Department for Education, 2019


As a Church school, Relationships and Health Education is taught within a Christian context of love and faithfulness. Relationships and Health Education puts in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focussing on family and friendships. It is an integral part of our Personal, Social and Health education (PSHE) programme that will help children to respect themselves and others, as taught in the parable of the Good Samaritan. We believe that Relationships and Health Education is an ongoing process which should start in the home and continue at school and be delivered in partnership with parents and carers. The programme is tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the children. Parents are encouraged to discuss the planned curriculum.  Furthermore, the relationship and health education lessons support the wider work of the school by promoting self-affirmation and mental well-being by endorsing positive thinking which is already embedded within the school environment.


Through the Relationships and Health Education curriculum our pupils will:

  • Develop a safe and healthy lifestyle
  • Understand what makes for good relationships with others
  • Develop a whole school approach to building self-confidence and self esteem
  • Develop skills in language, decision-making and assertiveness
  • Learn to respect the differences between people and celebrate uniqueness
  • Have opportunities to consider issues which may affect their own lives and the lives of others
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community
  • Develop their understanding of healthy and unhealthy relationships both on and offline
  • Be offered learning opportunities above and beyond the curriculum
  • Be prepared for the roles of adult life


PSHE/RHE is taught every week and each lesson begins with an activity from the programme My Happy Mind.

Our school ethos promotes self-respect and respect for others, which values the place and contribution of all individuals to the school through...

  • Circle time activities
  • Friendship intervention groups
  • Direct, cross-curricular and purposeful Relationships Education teaching across the school
  • Teaching Relationship Education through other curriculum areas e.g. Religious Education, Science, computing, PE
  • Outside agencies and guest speakers such as police officers, fire fighters, NSPCC
  • Whole school events e.g. Anti-bullying week, Online safety Day, Charity fundraising events
  • School Council meetings to discuss school issues


At St Mary’s First School we will monitor the impact of our Relationships and Health Education teaching through pupil questionnaires to see what children are learning and enjoying in their Relationships and Health Education lessons to get an understanding of what we can improve to best support our children and to help them grow into active and strong members of the community. 

RHE/PSHE Policy & Curriculum 2023-25


Vocabulary and Progression of Skills is currently being updated